Event Expectations

Come dressed comfortably and nicely.  Treat coming to the dungeon like a date night or an event that you’ve looked forward to all week.

Hygiene is important.  Please take a shower, put on deodorant, go lightly with cologne and perfume.

Expect you’ll see things that have you thinking What the actual fuck???? Do not interrupt what you see.  If you have a concern find a member of staff.

Remember everything that happens in a dungeon has been negotiated.  It’s also ok for you to freak out at what you see.  Move out of the playspace and give yourself a little time to acclimate.

Consent isn’t a transitive property.  Just because someone is doing something to someone else, doesn’t mean you get to do that thing.  Ask permission before you touch anyone or anything.

No is a full sentence and accept no politely and graciously.

No one knows your dynamic and holding the general population to your rituals and protocols with out telling us what they are is not cool.  So, if you have some ritual or protocol happening where your partner is not allowed to engage with others and they are way from you, please give them an “out” so they can say something to the effect of “I’m unable to do xxxx, please see <insert your name here> for additional information” it will set everyone up for a good time.

It isn’t a great idea to come into the scene and demand folks call you Master/Mistress Whichintother. While a modicum of respect should be given to everyone (regardless of how they identify) forcing people to use that honorific is bad form.  Chances are we don’t know you from the biblical Adam so how do we know you’ve earned the honorific of Master/Mistress?

Talking while in the dungeon.  Yes, talking is ok, please keep the conversation about what you are watching and that the participants in the scene can’t hear you.

Watch where you are.  Some play spaces are small, some are large, regardless each play station is its only little island, be close enough you can see what’s going on if you’re interested but far enough away that you aren’t encroaching on the scene.  If you could get hit by a flogger you are way to close.

Understand what is and isn’t allowed in the play space.  Most dungeons have their list of rules posted, or a copy for you on request.  In this case begging forgiveness isn’t better than asking permission.

Clean up after yourself.  Your mom (probably) doesn’t play here, and house elves are fictional characters.

Treat the dungeon like Las Vegas, what happens there stays there.